Good article, because although it is a bit discouraging for those of us who are not in those areas, it helps to understand what works to make money. I have been thinking about the subject a lot and I realize that writing astrology, like writing literature or philosophy for others, is useless in terms of making a living. In fact it has never been very useful, except perhaps in the 70s and 80s. Things have changed. Maybe it is time to align ourselves with preferences if one wants to have food on the table.
Good article, because although it is a bit discouraging for those of us who are not in those areas, it helps to understand what works to make money. I have been thinking about the subject a lot and I realize that writing astrology, like writing literature or philosophy for others, is useless in terms of making a living. In fact it has never been very useful, except perhaps in the 70s and 80s. Things have changed. Maybe it is time to align ourselves with preferences if one wants to have food on the table.
Really helpful & actionable. I appreciate the simplicity as well--thank you.
Bro really turned "follow your passion" into "learn basic HTML and write API documentation until your soul leaves your body
Blogs are still a viable option IF you have something viable to sell.
There's a couple reasons to have your own blog: Your platform and Your mailing list.
Blogging is for those who want to do more than "nickle and dime" as a side hustle.
For those of us who know how to grow a business with our Blogs and make really serious money? Don't knock it if you haven't done it.
Didn't putting ads on blogs for ad revenue go the way of the Twitter rush?🤔 Nope, depends on which ads doesn't it.☺️